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June 22, 2009

Work from home simple solution

I bet you would love to make millions of dollars to work from home online wouldn’t you? You have probably tried every trick in the book, right? But have you ever tried being honest?

People hate to be sold. They can sense it like an animal senses fear and as soon as they do they shut down. Or in internet marketing jargon, “they click the back button”.

That is something you, as an entrepreneur never want. When you look at your traffic data and see that a large percentage of people only stay on your site for 0 – 30 seconds, you know something is not right. If you are using targeted keywords, which most of us are, your users should want to look further into your site. Research has shown that the reason most people leave a website after clicking on a relevant ad is because they feel the content is not credible. In other words they don’t believe you! You are probably trying to sell them instead of talking to them.

When you write an article, post to your blog, or generate a sales page you should talk to your visitor the way you would talk to a friend. Think about it. Would you give your friend a sales pitch? Would you want your friend to give YOU a sales pitch? Of course you wouldn’t. So don’t do it to a visitor to your website. Consider your website your home. It is your little space in cyber-space. When someone visits your website treat them with respect and honesty. People appreciate that and pick-up on it immediately.

To write successful ebooks you must be honest. I don’t believe there is a more effective way of writing an ebook than to be honest and passionate about your subject. Write about something that really interests you and when you write from that point of view your content will be heartfelt, passionate and most of all honest. Your readers will recognize that and be drawn in to your story. People are a lot smarter than you think and chances are they will trust you and continue to read your material.

I know what I am talking about here because I have used this approach for years and it has allowed me build a substantial work from home online passive income. I only write about subjects that are interesting to me. I supply good, honest content and as a result I have been able to build a list of over 1400 loyal readers. The secret to my success is honesty.

If you look at the most successful and well established websites they focus on honesty, integrity and respect. For example; Amazon, Yahoo, Google, they all strive to provide a better user-experience and they have been very successful in doing so. Their policies and practices are all user-driven. If the user is happy they will return and these companies have proven that. What works for them will surely work for you.

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